
As we transition from winter to spring in the Northeast, it always has me reflect on how I truly enjoy the change of seasons. Especially from these two seasons. Spring is enlightening, full of promise and growth. Each year, I feel it breathes new life into me. It brings on a new mindset, a burst of creativity, fuel for the year ahead.

Change is good. It allows for the old ghosts from the past to leave us. It leaves room for new energy to inhabit the soul. Sometimes I want to bottle up this energy so I have it in the middle of winter when stagnation sits in. Changing anything gives new life and new meaning to what we do. Think about just moving your furniture around. You take a different path. Your room looks different, feels refreshed.

Change can be on a big or small scale. It can be moving out of your house of 40 years or simply altering your daily walk to a new street or park. Perhaps you are thinking in this fast-moving universe, that we now thrive on constant change. That’s not what I am talking about here. However, change is inevitable. It is going to happen because the world keeps moving and so should we all. It keeps us healthy, thriving and challenged, mentally and spiritually. In this way, change is really good. It will keep us young and agile if only in our minds.

I remember when my grandmother was moving from South Bend, Indiana, to her new home closer to us. She was a bit trepidatious about the whole transition. I said to her the night before she was leaving her home of 35 years, “Gram, change is good. You are going to love it here. It’s time to do something new”. She did love the change. She loved her new life, her new friends, her new routine and her new self.

Don’t be afraid of change. It will bring new opportunities to grow and expand yourself. If you are thinking about moving to a SUMMIT community, know that this will happen. You will be newly engaged in so many ways. In addition to a fresh, new home with no headaches, you will be invited to learn and take part of a myriad of new things whether it’s a new form of exercise for you, a card game that you have never played or learned about a subject that you didn’t know existed. Living at the SUMMIT is refreshing, a new take on life, inspiring each and every day.

Embrace change and come join us.